Individual Therapy
In individual therapy, we will work together one-on-one to help you clearly understand your current challenges and how those are affecting you, and, as a team, identify tools you can use in your daily life to feel better. Examples of tools many people want to learn how to use include naming feelings, boundary setting, acting in alignment with goals, and helpful self-talk. I will help you to gain insight into thought patterns and behaviors that aren't serving you in order to get un-stuck and live the life you want to have. Equally as important is identifying your strengths and working on self-acceptance.
How frequently will I need to come to therapy?
That depends on what you’re wanting to work on and whether or not you’re in crisis. People who aren’t in crisis (defined by either being in a place of feeling unsafe or declining functionally) benefit most from coming to therapy at least bi-weekly. In my experience, less than that in the beginning often doesn’t yield results due to loss of momentum. Clients coming in in crisis should be seen more often, but this will be assessed upon initial consultation.
how long are therapy sessions?
Therapy sessions are 50 minutes long and will take place either via Telehealth or at the office.
how long should i go to therapy?
Therapy is an ongoing, individual process -- this means that there is no "typical" number of sessions. Some people have a very specific issue that is time-sensitive and they’re only looking for help for a short time. Others view therapy as an ongoing part of their healthcare, like check-ups or going to the gym. This being said, many people who are using insurance to cover the expense of therapy are given a limited number of sessions by their insurance company, so this can be a factor to be aware of.
what should I expect at my first appointment?
Your first session will be an initial assessment ($175), during which I will ask you some questions about what is currently going on and we will set some preliminary goals. It’s a chance for you to make sure that you feel like therapy with me is a good fit for you and for me to make sure that I’m clinically the right person to best meet your needs.